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| 英語正式名=New Zealand
| 英語正式名=New Zealand
| 外務省情報=[http://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/area/nz/index.html 外務省]
| 外務省情報=[http://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/area/nz/index.html 外務省]
| CIA情報=[https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/NZ.html The World Factbook(CIA)]
| CIA情報=[https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/nz.html The World Factbook (CIA)]
| Fieldnet情報=[http://fieldnet.aa-ken.jp/area/oceania/New%20Zealand フィールド情報(Fieldnet)]
| ウィキペディア日本語版=[http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%8B%E3%83%A5%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B8%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89 日本語版]
| ウィキペディア日本語版=[http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%8B%E3%83%A5%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B8%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89 日本語版]
| ウィキペディア英語版=[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Zealand 英語版]
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[[#■ろう者の組織・団体| ニュージーランドろう者協会]]によるろう者人口:9,000人.  (WFD. 2008. ''Global Survey Report.'' : 下記 [[#■文献|文献]] 欄参照.)
*'''手話の法的地位 (Status of the National Sign Language(s))'''(WFD. 2008. ''Global Survey Report.'' : 下記 [[#■文献|文献]] 欄参照. より)
1. 政府は法律において手話を公認している (The government recognises the country's sign language(s) in :  the legislation.)
2. 政府が手話を公認した年:ニュージーランド手話法が2006年に可決 (The year when the country’s government formally recognises the country’s sign language(s): New Zealand Sign Language Act was passed in 2006.
3. ろう者協会やろう者グループは政府に手話の公認を要望している (Deaf Association/Deaf Group lobbies the government for the recognition of the country’s sign language(s)).
Deaf Aotearoa New Zealand (DANZ)
*[[ニュージーランド手話]]は、2006年4月に、ニュージーランドの三つ目の公用語となった。[http://www.odi.govt.nz/documents/nzds/nzsl-bill.pdf New Zealand Sign Language Bill]
*ろう者の手話は正式に認められたステータスはないものの、ろう者と他者の間の通信の主な手段として認識されている。(Sign language for deaf people has no officially recognized status, but is recognized as the main means of communication between deaf persons and others. ([http://www.independentliving.org/standardrules/WFD_Answers/NewZealand.html Government Implementation of the Standard Rules As Seen By Member Organizations of World Federation of the Deaf – WFD : Deaf Association of New Zealand, New Zealand]), 1997.)
デフ・アオテアロア・ニュージーランド(ろうのアオテアロア・ニュージーランド)※「アオテアロア」は、ニュージーランドのマオリ語名 ([http://deaf.org.nz/ Deaf Aotearoa New Zealand (DANZ)] :[http://www.wfdeaf.org/ 世界ろう連盟]加盟団体; 1977年設立.(WFD. 2008. ''Global Survey Report.'' : 下記 [[#■文献|文献]] 欄参照.))
1977年11月、 ニュージーランドろう者協会(Deaf Association of New Zealand Incorporated)として設立され、2009年6月よりデフ・アオテアロア・ニュージーランド(Deaf Aotearoa New Zealand)と改名。
*'''教育を受ける機会(Access to Education)'''(WFD. 2008. ''Global Survey Report.'' : 下記 [[#■文献|文献]] 欄参照. より)
1.政府は、ろう児およびろう学生が教育を受ける権利を認めている(The government recognizes that Deaf children and Deaf students have the right to receive an education.)
2.ろう教育に関連する法律・政策(Legislation or policies on Deaf Education):
: 特別支援教育法(Special Education Policy)
3.政府は次の教育環境をろう児およびろう学生に提供している(The government provides those educational settings for Deaf children and Deaf students):
: 早期介入(5歳まで)(Early intervention (Up to 5 years old))
: 幼稚園(3・4歳から5・6歳まで)(Kindergarten (Between 3/4 years old to 5/6 years old))
: 初等教育(5・6歳から12・13歳)(Primary (From 5/6 years old to 12/13 years old))
: 中等教育(12・13歳から17・18歳)(Secondary (From 12/13 years old to 17/18 years old))
: 大学(18歳以上)(University (After 18 years old))
: 職業教育・訓練(Vocational Education/Training)
4.政府は国の手話を用いたバイリンガル教育を次の教育機関で提供している(The government provides bilingual education using the country’s sign language(s) for Deaf children and Deaf students in those educational settings):
: 早期介入(5歳まで)(Early intervention (Up to 5 years old))
: 幼稚園(3・4歳から5・6歳まで)(Kindergarten (Between 3/4 years old to 5/6 years old))
: 初等教育(5・6歳から12・13歳)(Primary (From 5/6 years old to 12/13 years old))
: 中等教育(12・13歳から17・18歳)(Secondary (From 12/13 years old to 17/18 years old))
: 職業教育・訓練(Vocational Education/Training)
5.ろう児およびろう学生のための特別な学校数、また学校におけるろう児・ろう学生とのコミュニケーションの教育方法について(Schools specifically for Deaf children and Deaf students in the country, and the educational approach for communicating with Deaf children and students at the Deaf School):
: オークランドとクライストチャーチに2箇所のろう教育センターがあり、そのサービス範囲内にろう学校を備えている。さらに、ウエリントンと北パーマストンのろう者組織も利用可能。(Two Deaf Education Centres include a school for the Deaf within their range of services – one in Auckland and one in Christchurch. In addition, there are Deaf Units available in Wellington and Palmerston North)
: バイリンガル教育(Bilingual Education)
: 口話法(Oral Method)
: 口話および手話(トータルコミュニケーション)(Oral and Sign Language (Total Communication))
: 聴覚活用による音声言語教育(Auditory Verbal)
: その他-選択が可能である。 実際は、トータルコミュニケーションとバイリンガル教育が優勢を占めている。(Options are made available. In reality, total communication and bilingual education predominate.)
6.大学でのろう者の受け入れ状況および、大学内の手話通訳の利用(Deaf people’s access to a University education and sign language interpreting services at University):
: すべての大学は、ろう者の勉学への意欲を受け入れるよう求められる。(All universities are required to provide access for Deaf people wishing to study.)
: 手話通訳利用可。(Sign language interpreting services are available.)
*ニュージーランド手話通訳者協会([http://www.slianz.org.nz/  Sign Language Interpreters Association of New Zealand])
* WASLI報告によると、手話通訳者協会が設立されている(WASLI. 2011. ''WASLI Activities Report 2007-2011'' (下記 [[#■文献|文献]] 欄参照))
*'''手話通訳サービスの状況(Status of Sign Language Interpreting Services)'''(WFD. 2008. ''Global Survey Report.'' : 下記 [[#■文献|文献]] 欄参照. より)
1.国内の手話通訳者数(The number of sign language interpreters in the country):
: 50名ほどの通訳がいるが、現在その全員が活動しているわけではない(Approx 50 Interpreters but not all are actively interpreting at present)
2.手話通訳者の資格制度有り(Sign language interpreting qualifications: There is.)
3.有資格の手話通訳者養成担当者・機関(The provider of the training for people who want to become qualified sign language interpreters):
: 大学(University)
4.手話通訳者になるための訓練の年数(Total years of training to become a sign languate interpreters):
: 2年間。現在は「ディプロマ(Diploma)」レベルのコースのみ設定されている。このコースは、2009年には「学士(Bachelor)」レベルにまで引き上げられる予定(2 years: Currently the course is offered at Diploma level. It is expected that the course will be offered at Bachelor Level in 2009.)
5.正式な公的資格を持った手話通訳者の数(The number of sign language interpreters who have formal interpreting qualifications in the country):
: 50名(50 Interpreters)
6.ろう者が手話通訳者を利用する方法(The way Deaf people access sign language interpreters):
: さまざま。フリーランスの通訳者に個人的に連絡する、ろう協会の通訳者予約サービスを通す、個人の予約サービスを通す、または特別なサービスや機関に雇用される、など(Varies – private contact with freelance interpreters, through the Deaf Association Interpreter Booking service, through independent booking services, or employed by particular services/organisations.)
7.手話通訳サービス提供者・機関(The provier of the sign language interpreting services):
: 全国ろう協会(National Association of the Deaf)
8.生活の中で手話通訳サービスを利用できる範囲(The area of life sign language interpreting services are available):
: 社会福祉(Social Services)
: 健康・医療(Health/Medical Services)
: 雇用(Employment Services)
: 裁判(Court Services)
: 教育(Educational Services)
: カウンセリング(Counselling Services)
: 冠婚葬祭(Funerals/Weddings)
: その他: 通訳のための基金の総額は十分ではない(Others: : The amount of funding available for interpreters is inadequate.)
9.手話通訳者への支払いおよび支払い負担者(The payment for interpreting services, and those who are responsible for paying):
: 手話通訳者は通訳サービスの対価を受け取る(Sign language interpreters receive payment for interpreting services)
: その他: 通訳の状況のタイプによる(Others: Depends on the nature of the interpreting situation. )
10.手話通訳者の1時間あたりの平均時給(The average hourly rate of payment for sign language interpreters):
: 時給50ニュージーランドドル(26.35ユーロ:2008年1月31日現在のレート)NZD50.00 per hour (26.35€ on 31st January 2008)
11.手話通訳者は、ボランティアサービスですべての通訳を行なうことはない(Sign language interpreters do not provide voluntary service for all sign language interpreting assignments.)
12.手話通訳者協会(National Association of Sign Language Interpreters):
: 全国ろう者協会から独立している (independent from the National Association of the Deaf)
13.全国的な手話通訳者に関する倫理綱領(National Code of Ethics for sign language interpreters: There is.):
: 制定されている
14.政府が手話通訳を提供する責任があると明記した法律や政策(.Legislation or policy in the country which states that the government has a responsibility for the provision of sign language):
: 司法関連-ニュージーランド手話言語法2006年( For Justice-[http://www.odi.govt.nz/what-we-do/nzsl/index.html New Zealand Sign Language Act 2006] )
:  健康(Health)
:  教育(Education)
:  雇用(Employment)
:  精神保健法(Mental Health Act (19??))
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[http://www.deaf.co.nz/nz-sign-language nz sign language]
[http://homepages.ecs.vuw.ac.nz/~pondy/nzsl/ New Zealand Sign Language Dictionary]
[http://www.vanasch.school.nz/deaf-nzslsigns.php New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) Signs]
[http://www.theinterpretersfriend.org/indj/dcoew/nz.html Deaf cultures and Sign Languages of the world: New Zealand]
[http://web.archive.org/web/20071203162912/www.michaelszczepanski.de/neuseeland.htm Fingeralphabete (Neuseeland)]
[http://www.nzslta.org.nz/ New Zealand Sign Language Teacher's Association]
[http://www.slianz.org.nz/ SLIANZ (Sign Language Interpreters Association of New Zealand)]
[http://www.signbank.org/signpuddle/index.html#SignPuddle15 Sign Puddle Online 1.5 : Write Sign Language Dictionaries & Literature in Any Sign Language in the World...]

Current revision as of 16:40, 24 January 2017

国・地域名(日本語) ニュージーランド
国・地域名(英語) New Zealand
正式国・地域名(日本語) ニュージーランド
正式国・地域名(英語) New Zealand
国・地域情報 外務省
The World Factbook (CIA)
ウィキペディア 日本語版




「ニュージーランド」(日本手話研究所「手話確定普及研究部」編. ヘドバーグ,トーマス監修. 2002.『国名手話ガイドブック』東京: 財団法人全日本ろうあ連盟出版局. 25-26.)

"New Zealand" (In: Japanese Federation of the Deaf ed. Supervisor: Hedberg, Tomas. 2003. Country name-signs. Helsinki, Finland: World Federation of the Deaf. 17.)





ニュージーランド手話New Zealand Sign Language


オーストララジア手話オーストラリア手話との共通手話創出の試み)(Australasian Sign Language(an attempt to merge Australian Sign Language and New Zealand Sign Language into one common sign language))


ニュージーランドろう者協会によるろう者人口:9,000人. (WFD. 2008. Global Survey Report. : 下記 文献 欄参照.)


  • 手話の法的地位 (Status of the National Sign Language(s))(WFD. 2008. Global Survey Report. : 下記 文献 欄参照. より)

1. 政府は法律において手話を公認している (The government recognises the country's sign language(s) in : the legislation.)

2. 政府が手話を公認した年:ニュージーランド手話法が2006年に可決 (The year when the country’s government formally recognises the country’s sign language(s): New Zealand Sign Language Act was passed in 2006. )

3. ろう者協会やろう者グループは政府に手話の公認を要望している (Deaf Association/Deaf Group lobbies the government for the recognition of the country’s sign language(s)).


デフ・アオテアロア・ニュージーランド(ろうのアオテアロア・ニュージーランド)※「アオテアロア」は、ニュージーランドのマオリ語名 (Deaf Aotearoa New Zealand (DANZ) :世界ろう連盟加盟団体; 1977年設立.(WFD. 2008. Global Survey Report. : 下記 文献 欄参照.))

1977年11月、 ニュージーランドろう者協会(Deaf Association of New Zealand Incorporated)として設立され、2009年6月よりデフ・アオテアロア・ニュージーランド(Deaf Aotearoa New Zealand)と改名。



  • 教育を受ける機会(Access to Education)(WFD. 2008. Global Survey Report. : 下記 文献 欄参照. より)

1.政府は、ろう児およびろう学生が教育を受ける権利を認めている(The government recognizes that Deaf children and Deaf students have the right to receive an education.)

2.ろう教育に関連する法律・政策(Legislation or policies on Deaf Education):

特別支援教育法(Special Education Policy)

3.政府は次の教育環境をろう児およびろう学生に提供している(The government provides those educational settings for Deaf children and Deaf students):

早期介入(5歳まで)(Early intervention (Up to 5 years old))
幼稚園(3・4歳から5・6歳まで)(Kindergarten (Between 3/4 years old to 5/6 years old))
初等教育(5・6歳から12・13歳)(Primary (From 5/6 years old to 12/13 years old))
中等教育(12・13歳から17・18歳)(Secondary (From 12/13 years old to 17/18 years old))
大学(18歳以上)(University (After 18 years old))
職業教育・訓練(Vocational Education/Training)

4.政府は国の手話を用いたバイリンガル教育を次の教育機関で提供している(The government provides bilingual education using the country’s sign language(s) for Deaf children and Deaf students in those educational settings):

早期介入(5歳まで)(Early intervention (Up to 5 years old))
幼稚園(3・4歳から5・6歳まで)(Kindergarten (Between 3/4 years old to 5/6 years old))
初等教育(5・6歳から12・13歳)(Primary (From 5/6 years old to 12/13 years old))
中等教育(12・13歳から17・18歳)(Secondary (From 12/13 years old to 17/18 years old))
職業教育・訓練(Vocational Education/Training)

5.ろう児およびろう学生のための特別な学校数、また学校におけるろう児・ろう学生とのコミュニケーションの教育方法について(Schools specifically for Deaf children and Deaf students in the country, and the educational approach for communicating with Deaf children and students at the Deaf School):

オークランドとクライストチャーチに2箇所のろう教育センターがあり、そのサービス範囲内にろう学校を備えている。さらに、ウエリントンと北パーマストンのろう者組織も利用可能。(Two Deaf Education Centres include a school for the Deaf within their range of services – one in Auckland and one in Christchurch. In addition, there are Deaf Units available in Wellington and Palmerston North)
バイリンガル教育(Bilingual Education)
口話法(Oral Method)
口話および手話(トータルコミュニケーション)(Oral and Sign Language (Total Communication))
聴覚活用による音声言語教育(Auditory Verbal)
その他-選択が可能である。 実際は、トータルコミュニケーションとバイリンガル教育が優勢を占めている。(Options are made available. In reality, total communication and bilingual education predominate.)

6.大学でのろう者の受け入れ状況および、大学内の手話通訳の利用(Deaf people’s access to a University education and sign language interpreting services at University):

すべての大学は、ろう者の勉学への意欲を受け入れるよう求められる。(All universities are required to provide access for Deaf people wishing to study.)
手話通訳利用可。(Sign language interpreting services are available.)


  • WASLI報告によると、手話通訳者協会が設立されている(WASLI. 2011. WASLI Activities Report 2007-2011 (下記 文献 欄参照))
  • 手話通訳サービスの状況(Status of Sign Language Interpreting Services)(WFD. 2008. Global Survey Report. : 下記 文献 欄参照. より)

1.国内の手話通訳者数(The number of sign language interpreters in the country):

50名ほどの通訳がいるが、現在その全員が活動しているわけではない(Approx 50 Interpreters but not all are actively interpreting at present)

2.手話通訳者の資格制度有り(Sign language interpreting qualifications: There is.)

3.有資格の手話通訳者養成担当者・機関(The provider of the training for people who want to become qualified sign language interpreters):


4.手話通訳者になるための訓練の年数(Total years of training to become a sign languate interpreters):

2年間。現在は「ディプロマ(Diploma)」レベルのコースのみ設定されている。このコースは、2009年には「学士(Bachelor)」レベルにまで引き上げられる予定(2 years: Currently the course is offered at Diploma level. It is expected that the course will be offered at Bachelor Level in 2009.)

5.正式な公的資格を持った手話通訳者の数(The number of sign language interpreters who have formal interpreting qualifications in the country):

50名(50 Interpreters)

6.ろう者が手話通訳者を利用する方法(The way Deaf people access sign language interpreters):

さまざま。フリーランスの通訳者に個人的に連絡する、ろう協会の通訳者予約サービスを通す、個人の予約サービスを通す、または特別なサービスや機関に雇用される、など(Varies – private contact with freelance interpreters, through the Deaf Association Interpreter Booking service, through independent booking services, or employed by particular services/organisations.)

7.手話通訳サービス提供者・機関(The provier of the sign language interpreting services):

全国ろう協会(National Association of the Deaf)

8.生活の中で手話通訳サービスを利用できる範囲(The area of life sign language interpreting services are available):

社会福祉(Social Services)
健康・医療(Health/Medical Services)
雇用(Employment Services)
裁判(Court Services)
教育(Educational Services)
カウンセリング(Counselling Services)
その他: 通訳のための基金の総額は十分ではない(Others: : The amount of funding available for interpreters is inadequate.)

9.手話通訳者への支払いおよび支払い負担者(The payment for interpreting services, and those who are responsible for paying):

手話通訳者は通訳サービスの対価を受け取る(Sign language interpreters receive payment for interpreting services)
その他: 通訳の状況のタイプによる(Others: Depends on the nature of the interpreting situation. )

10.手話通訳者の1時間あたりの平均時給(The average hourly rate of payment for sign language interpreters):

時給50ニュージーランドドル(26.35ユーロ:2008年1月31日現在のレート)NZD50.00 per hour (26.35€ on 31st January 2008)

11.手話通訳者は、ボランティアサービスですべての通訳を行なうことはない(Sign language interpreters do not provide voluntary service for all sign language interpreting assignments.)

12.手話通訳者協会(National Association of Sign Language Interpreters):

全国ろう者協会から独立している (independent from the National Association of the Deaf)

13.全国的な手話通訳者に関する倫理綱領(National Code of Ethics for sign language interpreters: There is.):


14.政府が手話通訳を提供する責任があると明記した法律や政策(.Legislation or policy in the country which states that the government has a responsibility for the provision of sign language):

司法関連-ニュージーランド手話言語法2006年( For Justice-New Zealand Sign Language Act 2006 )
精神保健法(Mental Health Act (19??))





Kennedy, Gtaeme, David McKee, RacheL. McKee, Richard Arnold, Pat Dugdale, Susan Fahey, and David. Moskovitz eds. 2002. A Concise Dictionary of New Zealand Sign Language. Wellington: Bridget Williams Books.

Kennedy, Graeme et al. A dictionary of New Zealand sign. 1998. Auckland: Auckland University Press: Bridget Williams Books.


McKee, Rachel and David McKee. 2016. Assessing The Vitality Of New Zealand Sign Language. Oral presentation at Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research Conference (TISLR 12).

Vale, Mireille. 2016. Characteristics Of Folk Definitions In NZSL: Implications For Sign Language Lexicography. Oral presentation at Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research Conference (TISLR 12).

McKee, David. 2013. Lexical variation and change in NZSL. Presentation at the International Conference on Sign Linguistics and Deaf Education in Asia, 2013, 30 January – 2 February 2013. The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

WASLI (World Association of Sign Language Interpreters). 2011. WASLI country report 2011 New Zealand. Kampala, UGANDA.

WASLI (World Association of Sign Language Interpreters). 2011. WASLI Activities Report 2007-2011. Kampala, UGANDA.

McKee, David and Rachel McKee. 2010. Sign time-capsules: lexical variation and change in NZSL. Presentation at the Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research Conference (TISLR 10).

Schembri, Adam, Kearsy Cormier, Trevor Johnston, David McKee, Rachel McKee and Bencie woll. 2010. Sociolinguistic variation in British, Australian and New Zealand Sign Languages. In : Brentari, Diane ed. Sign Languages. Cambridge, UK. Cambridge University Press. 476-498.

Mayer, Connie, Christine Miller and Ian Cockes. 2009. Educating Deaf and hard of hearing students in New Zealand. In: Moores, Donald F. and Margery S. Miller eds. Deaf people around the world: Educational and social perspectives. Washington,DC: Gallaudet University Press. 53-67. Schembri, Adam, David McKee, Rachel McKee, Sara Pivac, Trevor Johnston and Della Goswell. 2009. Phonological variation and change in Australian and New Zealand Sign Languages: The location variable. In : Language Variation and Change, Volume 21, Issue 02, July 2009, pp 193-231.

Mckee, David, Rachel Mckee, K. Smiler and K. Pointon. 2008. Maori signs : The construction of indigenous deaf identity in New Zealand Sign Language. In : D. Quinto-Pozos ed. Sign Languages in Contact. Washington, DC : Gallaudet University Press. 31-81.

Mckee, David., Rachel Mckee, and G. Major. 2008. Variation in the NZSL number system. In : Ronice Müller de Quadros eds. Sign Languages : Spinning and unraveling the past, present and future. Forty five papers and three posters from the 9° Theoretical Issues In Sign Language Research Conference, Florianopolis, Brazil, December 2006. Editora Arara Azul. Brazil. 296-313.

World Federation of the Deaf and Swedish National Association of the Deaf. 2008. Global Survey Report. WFD Regional Secretariat for Asia and the Pacific (WFD RSA/P). Global Education Pre-Planning Project on the Human Rights of Deaf People. World Federation of the Deaf. Finland.

Mckee, Rachel. 2007. Hand to mouth : findings on the role of mouthing in New Zealand Sign Language. Paper presented at the Australian sign Language interpreters Association National conference, Macquarie University, Sydney.

Mckee, Rachel Locker, David Mckee, Kirsten Smiler and Karen Pointon. 2007. Maori Signs: The Construction of Indigenous Deaf Identity in New Zealand Sign Language. In : Quinto-Pozos, David ed. Sign Language in Contact. 31-81. Washington, DC. Gallaudet University Press.

McKee, Rachel. and David McKee. 2007. New Zealand Sign Language Grammar: A Guide for Learners. Occasional Publication No. 3, Revised version. Deaf Studies Research Unit, School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, Victoria University of Wellington.

National audiology Centre. 2007. New Zealand deafness notification detabese, January-December 2005. Aukland.

Smiler, Kirsten , and Rachel Locker McKee. 2007. Perceptions of Maori identity in New Zealand. In: Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. 12(1) : 93-111.

WASLI (World Association of Sign Language Interpreters). 2007. New Zealand/Aotearoa. In: Country report 2007. 40-41. Kampala, Uganda.

McKee, David, Rachel McKee and George Major. 2006. Sociolinguistic Variation in NZSL Numerals. Presentation at the Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research 9 (TISLR9)

McKee, Rachel. 2006. Aspects of interrogatives and negation in New Zealand Sign Language. In Ulrike Zeshan ed. Interrogative and Negative Constructions in Sign Languages. Sign Language Typology Series, No.1. Nijmegen: Ishara Press, 69 -90.

Napier, Jemina, Rachel Mackee and Della Goswell. 2006. Sign language interpreting: Theory and practice in Australia and New Zealand. Sydney Federation press.

Pivac, Lynette. 2006. In memory of two remarkable women In : New Zealand Sign Language Tutors Association web page.

2006. New Zealand Sign Language Bill : In Committee

2006. Governor-General gives assent to Sign Language Bill., Press Release: Governor General, 10 April 2006.

2006. Recognition for sign language In : TVNZ web site.

Deaf Education Aotearoa New Zealand(DEANZ). 2005. The national plan for the education of children and young people who are Deaf or hearing impaired in Aotearoal New Zealand(2nd rev.ed.) [Retrieved July 9, 2008]

McKee, Rachel. 2005. Aspects of interrogatives and negation in New Zealand Sign Language. In : Zeshan, Ulrike. ed. Interrogative and Negative Constructions in Sign Languages. Sign Language Typology Series No. 1. Nijmegen: Ishara Press. 70-.

Smiler, Kirsten. 2004. Maori Deaf: Perceptions of cultural and linguistic identity of Maori members of the New Zealand Deaf community. Master's thesis in Applied Linguistics. New Zealand Victoria University of Wellington.

McKee, Rachel and Graeme Kennedy. 2005. New Zealand Sign Language. In Bell, Allan, Ray Harlow and Donna Starks eds. Languages of New Zealand. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 271-297.

全日本ろうあ連盟訳、手話コミュニケーション編集部編. 2003. 「ろう者の人権-あらゆる生活の場で手話が使えること」『手話コミュニケーション研究』(全日本ろうあ連盟日本手話研究所) 50 (2003.12):57,60-61 [2003年7月WFDニュース. ウガンダタイニュージーランドの情報を含む]

Forman, Wayne. 2003. The ABC’s of New Zealand Sign Language : Aerial spelling. In : Journal of Deaf studies and Deaf Education. 8(1). 92-96.

Monaghan, Leila. 2003. A world's eye view: Deaf cultures in global perspective. In: Monaghan, Leila, Constanze Schmaling, Karen Nakamura and Graham H. Turner eds. Many ways to be Deaf: International variation in Deaf communities. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press. 1-24. [ アフリカ(全般)アジア(全般)大洋州(全般)ハウサ手話台湾手話バンコール手話オーストララジア手話の情報を含む]

Parsons, M. 2003. Advisors on deaf children: A New Zealand initiative-An overview 1957-2003. Wellington, NZ : Ministry of Education.

Smith, Eileen. 2003. ‘Deaf Ways’: The literacy teaching strategies of deaf teachers in New Zealand. Master’s thesis, Victoria University of Wellington.

Sutton-Spence, Rachel. 2003. British manual Alphabets in the education of Deaf people since the 17th century. In: Monaghan, Leila, Constanze Schmaling, Karen Nakamura and Graham H. Turner eds. Many ways to be Deaf: International variation in Deaf communities. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press. 25-48.

McKee, Rachel and McKee, David. 2002. New Zealand Sign Language grammar: A guide for learners. Deaf Studies Resarch Unit, Occational Paper 3. New Zealand. Victoria University of Wellington.

Dugdale, Patricia 2001. Talking Hands, Listening Eyes. Deaf Association of New Zealand.

McKee, Rachel. 2001. People of the Eye: Stories from the Deaf World. Beidget Williams Books. New Zealand.

Dugdale, Patricia. 2000. Being Deaf in New Zealand : A case study of the Wellington Deaf community. PhD dissertation : Victoria University of Wellington.

Johnston, Trevor. 2000. BSL, Auslan and NZSL: Three Signed Languages or One? In : Baker, Anne, Beppie van den Bogaerde and Onno Crasborn eds. Cross-linguistic perspectives in sign language research. Selected papers from TISLR 2000. 2003. Hamburg: Signum Verlag. 47-69.

McKee, David and Graeme Kennedy. 2000. Lexical comparison of signs from American , Australian, British, and New Zealand Sign Languages. In : Emmorey Karen and Harlan Lane eds. Sign Language Revisited: An Anthology to Honor Ursula Bellugi and Edward Klima. New Jersey, London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. 49-76.

Mckee, Rachel Locker and David Mckee. 2000. Name Signs and Identity in New Zealand Sign Language. In : Metzger, Melanie ed. Bilingualism and Identity in Deaf Communities. Gallaudet University, Washington, DC. 3-42.

2000. New Zealand. : In : Turkington, Carol, and Allen E. Sussman eds. The encyclopedia of deafness and hearing disorders, second edition. New York : Facts on File. 150-151.

Monaghan, Leila. 1998. Creating standardized communication in the New Zealand Deaf community. Presentation at Sixth International Conference on Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research

モナハン, レイラー(ニュージャージー州 ピツアー大学). 1998.「ニュージーランドにおけるろう者イデオロギーと関連機関の発展 」『手話コミュニケーション研究』(全日本ろうあ連盟日本手話研究所)27 (1998.3):52-53

Monaghan, Leila. 1996. Signing, oralism and the development of the New Zealand deaf community: An ethnography and history of language ideologies. Ph.D.dissertation. Los Angeles: University of California.

Nuthall, Beatrice. 1996. Kelston Deaf education centre: Pilot bilingual programme, January 1995-December 1996. Aukland, NZ : Kelston Deaf education centre.

Collins-Ahlgren, Marianne. 1994. Issues in preparing and presenting a dictionary of New Zealand signs. In: Erting, Carol J., Robert C. Johnson, Dorothy L. Smith, and Bruce D. Snider eds. The Deaf Way: Perspectives from the international conference on Deaf culture. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press. 335-341.

Townshend, S. 1993. The hands just have to move: Deaf education in New Zealand-A perspective from the Deaf community. Palmerston North, NZ : Department of Social Policy and Social Work, Massey University. Unpublished master's thesis.

Monaghan, Leila. 1993. Contexts of luck: Issues involved with entering the New Zealand Deaf community. Anthropology UCLA. 20:43-62.

Aspden, Peter, John Devere, John Hunt, Leila Monaghan and Lynette Pivac. 1992. Celebrating 50 years deaf schools in Auckland, 1942-1992. Auckland, New Zealand: Kelston Deaf Education Centre.

Jaffe, R. 1992. Towards the creation of a consumer-based organisation: A review of the New Zealand Association of the Deaf. Deaf Association of New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand.

van Asch, C. 1989. Gerrit van Asch: Pioneer of oral education of the Deaf. Christchurch, NZ : Caxton Press.

Collins-Ahlgren, Marianne. 1989. Aspects of New Zealand sign. Ph.D. dissertation. Wellington: Victoria University of Wellington.

Parsons, Michael B. 1987. New Zealand. In : Van Cleve, John V. (editor in chief), Gallaudet College eds. Gallaudet encyclopedia of deaf people and deafness. New York : McGraw-Hill. vol.2. 239-240.

Stewart, P. 1982. To turn the key: The history of Deaf education in New Zealand. New Zealand : University of Otago. Unpublished master's thesis.

A., Allen B. 1980. They hear with the eye: A Centennial history of the summer school for Deaf children. Christchurch, NZ 1880-1980. Wellington, New Zealand: School publication branch, Department of Education.

ASLDP. 1979. Aid to communication with the Deaf. Auckland, NZ : Kelston school for the Deaf.

Ballingall, Peter. 1971. The sign language of Deaf children in New Zealand. University of Auckland, New Zealand. Unpublished manuscript.





nz sign language

New Zealand Sign Language Dictionary

New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) Signs

Deaf cultures and Sign Languages of the world: New Zealand

Fingeralphabete (Neuseeland)

New Zealand Sign Language Teacher's Association

SLIANZ (Sign Language Interpreters Association of New Zealand)

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