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| 英語正式名=Republic of South Africa
| 英語正式名=Republic of South Africa
| 外務省情報=[http://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/area/s_africa/index.html 外務省]
| 外務省情報=[http://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/area/s_africa/index.html 外務省]
| CIA情報=[https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/SF.html The World Factbook(CIA)]
| CIA情報=[https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/sf.html The World Factbook (CIA)]
| Fieldnet情報=[http://fieldnet.aa-ken.jp/area/africa4/South%20Africa フィールド情報(Fieldnet)]
| ウィキペディア日本語版=[http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8D%97%E3%82%A2%E3%83%95%E3%83%AA%E3%82%AB 日本語版]
| ウィキペディア日本語版=[http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8D%97%E3%82%A2%E3%83%95%E3%83%AA%E3%82%AB 日本語版]
| ウィキペディア英語版=[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Africa 英語版]
| ウィキペディア英語版=[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Africa 英語版]
「南アフリカ」(日本手話研究所「手話確定普及研究部」編. ヘドバーグ,トーマス監修. 2002.『国名手話ガイドブック』東京: 財団法人全日本ろうあ連盟出版局. 185-186.)
"South Africa" (In: Japanese Federation of the Deaf ed. Supervisor: Hedberg, Tomas. 2003. Country name-signs. Helsinki, Finland: World Federation of the Deaf. 102.)
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南アフリカ手話(South African Sign Language)
[[南アフリカ手話]]([[South African Sign Language]])
イギリス手話(British Sign Language)
[[イギリス手話]]([[British Sign Language]])
アイルランド手話(Irish Sign Language)
[[アイルランド手話]]([[Irish Sign Language]])
アメリカ手話(American Sign Language)
[[アメリカ手話]]([[American Sign Language]])
*南アフリカの聴覚障害者人口は12,100人. うち黒人6,000、イギリス系白人2,000、アフリカーンス系白人2,000、カラード1,200、インド系900. (12,100 deaf persons including 6,000 Black, 2,000 English white, 2,000 Afrikaans white, 1,200 Coloured, 900 Indian) (VanCleve 1986). ([http://www.ethnologue.com/ エスノローグウエブ版])
*南アフリカ政府によるろう者人口:402,847人. 南アフリカろう連盟によるろう者人口:約500,000人.  (WFD. 2008. ''Global Survey Report.'' : 下記 [[#■文献|文献]] 欄参照.)
*'''手話の法的地位 (Status of the National Sign Language(s))'''(WFD. 2008. ''Global Survey Report.'' : 下記 [[#■文献|文献]] 欄参照. より)
1. 政府は憲法、政策、ガイドラインにおいて手話を公認している (The government recognises the country's sign language(s) in : the Constitution, Policy, Guideline. )
Deaf Federation of South Africa (DEAFSA)
2. 政府が手話を公認した年:1994年 (The year when the country’s government formally recognises the country’s sign language(s) : 1994)
3. ろう者協会やろう者グループは政府に手話の公認を要望している (Deaf Association/Deaf Group lobbies the government for the recognition of the country’s sign language(s))
*ろう者の手話は、公式に認知されておらず、聴覚障害者の公用語として使用されていない。ろう者と他者の間の通信の主な手段としても認められていない。(Sign language for deaf people has no officially recognized status, is not used as the official language of deaf people and is not recognized as the main means of communication between deaf persons and others. ([http://www.independentliving.org/standardrules/WFD_Answers/SAfrica.html Government Implementation of the Standard Rules As Seen By Member Organizations of World Federation of the Deaf – WFD : Deaf Federation of South Africa (DEAFSA), South Africa] , 1997.))
南アフリカろう連盟([http://www.deafsa.co.za Deaf Federation of South Africa (DEAFSA)]  : [http://www.wfdeaf.org/ 世界ろう連盟]加盟団体; 1929年設立.(WFD. 2008. ''Global Survey Report.'' : 下記 [[#■文献|文献]] 欄参照.))
[http://www.wits.ac.za/academic/humanities/slls/disciplines/7708/sasignlanguage.html University of the Witwatersrand : South African SLanguage]
[http://humanities.ufs.ac.za/content.aspx?DCode=157 University of the Free State : DEPARTMENT OF SOUTH AFRICAN SIGN LANGUAGE (SASL)]
19世紀にアイルランド人修道女らによって、白人ろう児のためのろう学校が設立された。かつてはアパルトヘイト政策のもと、人種別ろう教育が行われていた。[Gallaudet Encyclopedia of Deaf People and Deafness]
19世紀にアイルランド人修道女らによって、白人ろう児のためのろう学校が設立された。かつてはアパルトヘイト政策のもと、人種別ろう教育が行われていた。[Gallaudet Encyclopedia of Deaf People and Deafness]
[http://www.stvincent.co.za/index.htm ST VINCENT SCHOOL] the first school in South Africa to use the oral method of instruction for the Deaf.
[http://www.fulton.org.za/home.html Fulton School for the Deaf] includes Pre-primary, Primary and High School Sections and caters for the specific educational needs of Deaf learners. SASL was formally adopted as the medium of instruction at the school.
*'''教育を受ける機会(Access to Education)'''(WFD. 2008. ''Global Survey Report.'' : 下記 [[#■文献|文献]] 欄参照. より)
1.政府は、ろう児およびろう学生が教育を受ける権利を認めている(The government recognizes that Deaf children and Deaf students have the right to receive an education.)
2.ろう教育に関連する法律・政策(Legislation or policies on Deaf Education):
: 南アフリカ教育法(South African Schools Act): 公立学校における言語政策のための標準と基準(1996)(Norms and Standards for Language Policy in Public Schools (1996))
: 国家障害者政策統括(INDS)(1997)(An Integrated National Disability Strategy (INDS) (1997))
: 教育白書6(Education White Paper 6) : 特別支援教育(EWP6)(2001)(Special Needs Education (EWP6) (2001))
3.政府は次の教育環境をろう児およびろう学生に提供している(The government provides those educational settings for Deaf children and Deaf students):
: 早期介入(5歳まで)(Early intervention (Up to 5 years old))
: 幼稚園(3・4歳から5・6歳まで)(Kindergarten (Between 3/4 years old to 5/6 years old))
: 初等教育(5・6歳から12・13歳)(Primary (From 5/6 years old to 12/13 years old))
: 中等教育(12・13歳から17・18歳)(Secondary (From 12/13 years old to 17/18 years old))
: 大学(18歳以上)(University (After 18 years old))
: 職業教育・訓練(Vocational Education/Training)
4.政府は国の手話を用いたバイリンガル教育を次の教育機関で提供している(The government provides bilingual education using the country’s sign language(s) for Deaf children and Deaf students in those educational settings):
: 該当なし
5.ろう児およびろう学生のための特別な学校数、また学校におけるろう児・ろう学生とのコミュニケーションの教育方法について(Schools specifically for Deaf children and Deaf students in the country, and the educational approach for communicating with Deaf children and students at the Deaf School):
: 47校( 47 schools)
: 口話法(Oral Method)
: 口話および手話(トータルコミュニケーション)(Oral and Sign Language (Total Communication))
: 音声言語教育(Auditory Verbal)
6.大学でのろう者の受け入れ状況および、大学内の手話通訳の利用(Deaf people’s access to a University education and sign language interpreting services at University):
: 4大学にて受け入れ(Four universities)
: 手話通訳サービスあり(Sign language interpreting services are available)
* [http://www.saslinc.co.za/ South African Sign Language Interpreting National Centre CC (SASLINC)]
*WASLI報告によると、SASLIA (South African Sign Language Interpreters Association) は、活動を停止している。('SASLIA (South African Sign Language Interpreters Association) has since ceased operating.' (WASLI 2011. ''WASLI Activities Report 2007-2011'',下記 [[#■文献|文献]] 欄参照 )
*'''手話サービス通訳の状況(Status of Sign Language Interpreting Services)'''(WFD. 2008. ''Global Survey Report.'' : 下記 [[#■文献|文献]] 欄参照. より)
1.国内の手話通訳者数(The number of sign language interpreters in the country):
: 30名(30 Interpreters)
2.手話通訳者の資格制度有り(Sign language interpreting qualifications: There is.)
3.有資格の手話通訳者養成担当者・機関(The provider of the training for people who want to become qualified sign language interpreters):
: 大学(University)
:全国ろう協会(National Association of the Deaf)
4.手話通訳者になるための訓練の年数(Total years of training to become a sign languate interpreters):
: 1年以下(Less than One Year)
5.正式な公的資格を持った手話通訳者の数(The number of sign language interpreters who have formal interpreting qualifications in the country):
: 20名(20 interpreters)
6.ろう者が手話通訳者を利用する方法(The way Deaf people access sign language interpreters):
: 全国ろう協会をとおして。協会の南アフリカ手話通訳者が通訳サービスをコーディネートする(Through the National Association of the Deaf - the South African Sign Language Interpreter at the National Office co-ordinates interpreting services.)
7.手話通訳サービス提供者・機関(The provider of the sign language interpreting services):
: 政府(Government)
: 全国ろう協会(National Association of the Deaf)
: 民間セクター(Private Sector)
8.生活の中で手話通訳サービスを利用できる範囲(The area of life sign language interpreting services are available):
: 社会福祉(Social Services)
: 健康・医療(Health/Medical Services)
: 雇用(Employment Services)
: 裁判(Court Services)
: 教育(Educational Services)
: カウンセリング(Counselling Services)
: 金融機関(Financial Institutions)
: 冠婚葬祭(Funerals/Weddings)
: 娯楽(Entertainment)
: その他: 議会におけるろう者メンバーのための通訳、またはメディア。(Others: Interpreter in Parliament for the Deaf Member, and Media)
9.手話通訳者への支払いおよび支払い負担者(The payment for interpreting services, and those who are responsible for paying):
: 手話通訳者は通訳サービスの対価を受け取る(Sign language interpreters receive payment for interpreting services)
: 政府が支払う(Government pays)
: 全国ろう協会/ろう団体が支払う(National Association of the Deaf/Deaf Group pays)
: ろう者が支払う(Deaf people pay)
10.手話通訳者の1時間あたりの平均時給(The average hourly rate of payment for sign language interpreters):
: 半日で468.00ランド(39.75ユーロ:2008年5月31日現在のレート)(ZAR 468.00 for a half day (39.75€ on 31st May 2008)). 日給は1870.00ランド(158.92ユーロ:2008年5月31日現在)(ZAR 1,870.00 for a full day (158.92€ on 31st May 2008))
11.手話通訳者は、ボランティアサービスで通訳を行なうこともある(Sign language interpreters sometimes provide voluntary service for sign language interpreting assignments.)
12.手話通訳者協会(National Association of Sign Language Interpreters):
: 全国ろう者協会から独立していない( not inpendent from the National Association of the Deaf)
13.全国的な手話通訳者に関する倫理綱領(National Code of Ethics for sign language interpreters):
: 制定されている(There is)
14.政府が手話通訳を提供する責任があると明記した法律や政策(Legislation or policy in the country which states that the government has a responsibility for the provision of sign language):
:国家障害者統合戦略( Integrated National Disability Strategy)
: 国家言語政策草案(Draft National Language Policy)
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Penn, Claire ed. 1992-1994. ''Dictionary of Southern African signs for communicating with the deaf. 1-5.'' Pretoria, South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council.
Kaneko, Michiko and Josephine Matla. 2016. [http://www.tislr12.org/wp-content/uploads/posters/Poster%2058.pdf Neologism in SASL (South African Sign Language): the process of creating new signs for linguistic terminology.] Poster presentation at [http://www.tislr12.org/  Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research Conference (TISLR 12).]
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Heap, Marion and Helen Morgans. 2006. Language policy and SASL: interpreters in the public service In : Watermeyer, Brian, Leslie Swarts, Theresa Lorenzo, Marguerite Scheneiger and Mark Priestley eds. ''Disability and social change: a South African agenda.'' Human Science Research Council, Cape Town, South Africa. 134-148.
Reagan, Timothy, Claire Penn and Dale Ogilvy. 2006. From policy to practice: Sign language developments in post-apartheid South Africa.  In : ''Language Policy.'' 5: 187-208.
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亀井伸孝. 2005.「アフリカのろう者(11)いくつものアパルトヘイト」『手話コミュニケーション研究』(日本手話研究所)58(2005.12): 46-53.
亀井伸孝. 2005.「アフリカのろう者(11)いくつものアパルトヘイト」『手話コミュニケーション研究』(日本手話研究所)58(2005.12): 46-53.
WASLI (World Association of Sign Language Interpreters). 2005.  In: [http://www.wasli.org/files/downloads/73_wasli%20country%20report%20final.pdf  ''Country report 2005'']. 29. Kampala, Uganda.
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Brookes, Heather. 2004. A repertoire of South African quotable gestures. In : ''Journal of Linguistic Anthropology.'' Volume: 14, Issue: 2. 186-224. [http://www.linguisticanthropology.org/journal/web-enhanced-articles/web-enhanced-article-a-repertoire-of-south-african-quotable-gestures/ Web-Enhanced Article: A Repertoire of South African Quotable Gestures.]
Ross, Elenor. 2004 History of deaf schools in South Africa. Unpublished manuscript.
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Jones, Alan. 1994. Deaf awareness programs in South Africa. In: Erting, Carol J., Robert C. Johnson, Dorothy L. Smith, and Bruce D. Snider eds. ''The Deaf Way: Perspectives from the international conference on Deaf culture.'' Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press. 698-701.
Simmons, Robert M.T. 1994. The role of educational systems and Deaf culture in the development of sign languages in South Africa. In: Erting, Carol J., Robert C. Johnson, Dorothy L. Smith, and Bruce D. Snider eds. ''The Deaf Way: Perspectives from the international conference on Deaf culture.'' Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press. 78-84.
Ogilvy-Foreman, Dale, Claire Penn, and Timothy Reagan. 1994. Selected syntactic features of South African Sign Language: A preliminary analysis. In: ''South African journal of linguistics'' 12(4): 118-123.
Penn, Claire and Timothy Reagan. 1994. The properties of South African Sign Language: Lexical diversity and syntactic unity. In: ''Sign language studies'' 85:317-326.
Penn, Claire and Timothy Reagan. 1994. The properties of South African Sign Language: Lexical diversity and syntactic unity. In: ''Sign language studies'' 84:319-327
Penn, Claire ed. 1992-1994. Dictionary of Southern African signs for communicating with the deaf. 1-5. Pretoria, South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council.
Penn, Claire. 1993. Signs of the times: deaf language and culture in South Africa, In : ''South African Journal of Communication Disorders.'' 40: 11-23.
Penn, Claire. 1992. The sociolinguistics of South African sign language. In: Herbert, Robert K. ed. '' Language and society in Africa .''  Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press. 277-284.
Penn, Claire and Timothy Reagan. 1991. Toward a national policy for deaf education in the 'new' South Africa. In : ''South African Journal of Communication Disorders.'' 38: 19-24.
Penn, Claire, Timothy Reagan and Dale Ogilvy. 1991. Deaf-hearing interchange in South Africa. In: ''Sign language studies'' 71:131-142.
Landman, K. 1990. Taalonderwys en die dowe kind (Language education and the deaf child). In : ''Journal for Language Teaching.'' 24: 42-53.
Penn, Claire and Timothy Reagan. 1990. How do you sign 'apartheid'? The politics of South African Sign Language. In : ''Language Problems and Language Planning.'' 14: 91-103.
Strong, Michael. 1988. A bilingual approach to the education of young deaf children: ASL and English. In: Strong, Michael ed. ''Language learning and deafness. ''Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 113-129.
Herbst, Johan. M. 1987. South Africa, Republic of. In : Van Cleve, John V. (editor in chief), Gallaudet College eds. ''Gallaudet encyclopedia of deaf people and deafness.'' New York : McGraw-Hill. vol.3. 184-187.
Herbst, Johan M. 1987. Sign languages : South African. In: Van Cleve, John V. (editor in chief), Gallaudet College eds. ''Gallaudet encyclopedia of deaf people and deafness.'' New York : McGraw-Hill. vol.3. 106-108.
Saleh, S. 1986. Signs used by pupils and teachers at the Lenasia School for the Deaf: a comparative study. Thesis. Johannesburg: Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, University of the Witwatersrand. [Incluing information of South African Indian Sign Language]
Nieder-Hartman. 1980. Talking to the Deaf: A visual manual of standardized signs for the Deaf. Pretoria :Government Printer.
Mocke, H. A. 1971. Die geskiedenis van die onderwys vir Bantoedowes in Suid-Afrika. [History of Education for deaf Black people in South Africa]. Unpublished Dphil thesis, University Pretoria.
Boyd, M. 1933. A mother and her deaf child in South Africa. In : ''Volta Review.'' 35: 64-69.
Engelbrecht, G. K. 1961. Die Dowe: die maatskaplike en ekonomiese posisie van die dowe in Sud-Afrika, met besondere verwysing na hulle rehabilitasie. [The Deaf: social and economic situation of the deaf in South Africa, with special reference to their rehabilitation.] Kaapstaad, Hollandsche Afrikaanse Uitgeweers Maatschappij. (Originally a thesis at the University of South Africa, 1956).
Dominican sisters. 1944. Schools for the deaf in South Africa. In : ''Volta Review.'' 46: 148-150.
1928. The Education of the Deaf in South Africa.  In : ''The Teacher of the Deaf.'' 26: 175.
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[http://deafness.about.com/od/internationaldeaf/a/southafrica.htm Deaf Community - South Africa]
[http://www.theinterpretersfriend.org/indj/dcoew/sa.html Deaf cultures and Sign Languages of the world: South Africa]
[http://www.signgenius.com/download.shtml Sign Genius.com : sign language software. "SASL  Pro 3 DEMO"] (South African Sign Language) Win 98/2000/XP 15.5 Mb.
[http://www.thibologa.co.za/sasl.html Thibologa Sign Language Institute], South African Sign Language
[http://www.deafnet.co.za/ The National Institute for the Deaf (NID)]
[http://deaftv.co.za/2008/?q=node/4 DTV ! South africa's Deaf Channel]
[http://www.coe.uwc.ac.za/index.php/SASL.html Integration of Signed and Verbal Communication: South African Sign Language Recognition, Animation and Translation.]Department of Computer Science, University of the Western Cape
[http://www.saslinc.co.za/ South African Sign Language Interpreting National Centre]
[http://www.sled.org.za/about.html Sign Language Education & Development]
[http://www.cs.sun.ac.za/signlang/wordlist/ SASL-MT Video Word List]
[http://www.cs.sun.ac.za/~lvzijl/SASL/ SASL-MT project]
[http://www.signbank.org/signpuddle/index.html#SignPuddle15 Sign Puddle Online 1.5 : Write Sign Language Dictionaries & Literature in Any Sign Language in the World...]
[[en:South Africa]]

Current revision as of 20:57, 23 January 2017

国・地域名(日本語) 南アフリカ
国・地域名(英語) South Africa
正式国・地域名(日本語) 南アフリカ共和国
正式国・地域名(英語) Republic of South Africa
国・地域情報 外務省
The World Factbook (CIA)
ウィキペディア 日本語版




「南アフリカ」(日本手話研究所「手話確定普及研究部」編. ヘドバーグ,トーマス監修. 2002.『国名手話ガイドブック』東京: 財団法人全日本ろうあ連盟出版局. 185-186.)

"South Africa" (In: Japanese Federation of the Deaf ed. Supervisor: Hedberg, Tomas. 2003. Country name-signs. Helsinki, Finland: World Federation of the Deaf. 102.)














南アフリカ手話South African Sign Language


イギリス手話British Sign Language

アイルランド手話Irish Sign Language

アメリカ手話American Sign Language


  • 南アフリカの聴覚障害者人口は12,100人. うち黒人6,000、イギリス系白人2,000、アフリカーンス系白人2,000、カラード1,200、インド系900. (12,100 deaf persons including 6,000 Black, 2,000 English white, 2,000 Afrikaans white, 1,200 Coloured, 900 Indian) (VanCleve 1986). (エスノローグウエブ版
  • 南アフリカ政府によるろう者人口:402,847人. 南アフリカろう連盟によるろう者人口:約500,000人. (WFD. 2008. Global Survey Report. : 下記 文献 欄参照.)


  • 手話の法的地位 (Status of the National Sign Language(s))(WFD. 2008. Global Survey Report. : 下記 文献 欄参照. より)

1. 政府は憲法、政策、ガイドラインにおいて手話を公認している (The government recognises the country's sign language(s) in : the Constitution, Policy, Guideline. )

2. 政府が手話を公認した年:1994年 (The year when the country’s government formally recognises the country’s sign language(s) : 1994)

3. ろう者協会やろう者グループは政府に手話の公認を要望している (Deaf Association/Deaf Group lobbies the government for the recognition of the country’s sign language(s))


南アフリカろう連盟(Deaf Federation of South Africa (DEAFSA)世界ろう連盟加盟団体; 1929年設立.(WFD. 2008. Global Survey Report. : 下記 文献 欄参照.))


University of the Witwatersrand : South African SLanguage



19世紀にアイルランド人修道女らによって、白人ろう児のためのろう学校が設立された。かつてはアパルトヘイト政策のもと、人種別ろう教育が行われていた。[Gallaudet Encyclopedia of Deaf People and Deafness]

ST VINCENT SCHOOL the first school in South Africa to use the oral method of instruction for the Deaf.

Fulton School for the Deaf includes Pre-primary, Primary and High School Sections and caters for the specific educational needs of Deaf learners. SASL was formally adopted as the medium of instruction at the school.

  • 教育を受ける機会(Access to Education)(WFD. 2008. Global Survey Report. : 下記 文献 欄参照. より)

1.政府は、ろう児およびろう学生が教育を受ける権利を認めている(The government recognizes that Deaf children and Deaf students have the right to receive an education.)

2.ろう教育に関連する法律・政策(Legislation or policies on Deaf Education):

南アフリカ教育法(South African Schools Act): 公立学校における言語政策のための標準と基準(1996)(Norms and Standards for Language Policy in Public Schools (1996))
国家障害者政策統括(INDS)(1997)(An Integrated National Disability Strategy (INDS) (1997))
教育白書6(Education White Paper 6) : 特別支援教育(EWP6)(2001)(Special Needs Education (EWP6) (2001))

3.政府は次の教育環境をろう児およびろう学生に提供している(The government provides those educational settings for Deaf children and Deaf students):

早期介入(5歳まで)(Early intervention (Up to 5 years old))
幼稚園(3・4歳から5・6歳まで)(Kindergarten (Between 3/4 years old to 5/6 years old))
初等教育(5・6歳から12・13歳)(Primary (From 5/6 years old to 12/13 years old))
中等教育(12・13歳から17・18歳)(Secondary (From 12/13 years old to 17/18 years old))
大学(18歳以上)(University (After 18 years old))
職業教育・訓練(Vocational Education/Training)

4.政府は国の手話を用いたバイリンガル教育を次の教育機関で提供している(The government provides bilingual education using the country’s sign language(s) for Deaf children and Deaf students in those educational settings):


5.ろう児およびろう学生のための特別な学校数、また学校におけるろう児・ろう学生とのコミュニケーションの教育方法について(Schools specifically for Deaf children and Deaf students in the country, and the educational approach for communicating with Deaf children and students at the Deaf School):

47校( 47 schools)
口話法(Oral Method)
口話および手話(トータルコミュニケーション)(Oral and Sign Language (Total Communication))
音声言語教育(Auditory Verbal)

6.大学でのろう者の受け入れ状況および、大学内の手話通訳の利用(Deaf people’s access to a University education and sign language interpreting services at University):

4大学にて受け入れ(Four universities)
手話通訳サービスあり(Sign language interpreting services are available)


  • WASLI報告によると、SASLIA (South African Sign Language Interpreters Association) は、活動を停止している。('SASLIA (South African Sign Language Interpreters Association) has since ceased operating.' (WASLI 2011. WASLI Activities Report 2007-2011,下記 文献 欄参照 )
  • 手話サービス通訳の状況(Status of Sign Language Interpreting Services)(WFD. 2008. Global Survey Report. : 下記 文献 欄参照. より)

1.国内の手話通訳者数(The number of sign language interpreters in the country):

30名(30 Interpreters)

2.手話通訳者の資格制度有り(Sign language interpreting qualifications: There is.)

3.有資格の手話通訳者養成担当者・機関(The provider of the training for people who want to become qualified sign language interpreters):

全国ろう協会(National Association of the Deaf)

4.手話通訳者になるための訓練の年数(Total years of training to become a sign languate interpreters):

1年以下(Less than One Year)

5.正式な公的資格を持った手話通訳者の数(The number of sign language interpreters who have formal interpreting qualifications in the country):

20名(20 interpreters)

6.ろう者が手話通訳者を利用する方法(The way Deaf people access sign language interpreters):

全国ろう協会をとおして。協会の南アフリカ手話通訳者が通訳サービスをコーディネートする(Through the National Association of the Deaf - the South African Sign Language Interpreter at the National Office co-ordinates interpreting services.)

7.手話通訳サービス提供者・機関(The provider of the sign language interpreting services):

全国ろう協会(National Association of the Deaf)
民間セクター(Private Sector)

8.生活の中で手話通訳サービスを利用できる範囲(The area of life sign language interpreting services are available):

社会福祉(Social Services)
健康・医療(Health/Medical Services)
雇用(Employment Services)
裁判(Court Services)
教育(Educational Services)
カウンセリング(Counselling Services)
金融機関(Financial Institutions)
その他: 議会におけるろう者メンバーのための通訳、またはメディア。(Others: Interpreter in Parliament for the Deaf Member, and Media)

9.手話通訳者への支払いおよび支払い負担者(The payment for interpreting services, and those who are responsible for paying):

手話通訳者は通訳サービスの対価を受け取る(Sign language interpreters receive payment for interpreting services)
政府が支払う(Government pays)
全国ろう協会/ろう団体が支払う(National Association of the Deaf/Deaf Group pays)
ろう者が支払う(Deaf people pay)

10.手話通訳者の1時間あたりの平均時給(The average hourly rate of payment for sign language interpreters):

半日で468.00ランド(39.75ユーロ:2008年5月31日現在のレート)(ZAR 468.00 for a half day (39.75€ on 31st May 2008)). 日給は1870.00ランド(158.92ユーロ:2008年5月31日現在)(ZAR 1,870.00 for a full day (158.92€ on 31st May 2008))

11.手話通訳者は、ボランティアサービスで通訳を行なうこともある(Sign language interpreters sometimes provide voluntary service for sign language interpreting assignments.)

12.手話通訳者協会(National Association of Sign Language Interpreters):

全国ろう者協会から独立していない( not inpendent from the National Association of the Deaf)

13.全国的な手話通訳者に関する倫理綱領(National Code of Ethics for sign language interpreters):

制定されている(There is)

14.政府が手話通訳を提供する責任があると明記した法律や政策(Legislation or policy in the country which states that the government has a responsibility for the provision of sign language):

国家障害者統合戦略( Integrated National Disability Strategy)
国家言語政策草案(Draft National Language Policy)





Penn, Claire ed. 1992-1994. Dictionary of Southern African signs for communicating with the deaf. 1-5. Pretoria, South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council.


Kaneko, Michiko and Josephine Matla. 2016. Neologism in SASL (South African Sign Language): the process of creating new signs for linguistic terminology. Poster presentation at Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research Conference (TISLR 12).

Kaneko, Michiko. 2016. Onomatopoeic Mouth Gestures In Creative Sign Language. Oral presentation at Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research Conference (TISLR 12).

Köhlo, Mikhaela. A Perfect End: A study of syllable codas in South African Sign Language. Oral presentation at WOCAL8. 23 Aug. 2015. Kyoto, Japan.

Meletse, John and Ruth Morgan. 2011. HIV/AIDS and Deaf Communities in South Africa: A Conversation In: Mathur, Gaurav and Donna Jo Napoli eds. Deaf around the World, The Impact of Language. 307-315. New York, USA. Oxford University Press.

WASLI (World Association of Sign Language Interpreters). 2011. WASLI country report 2011 South Africa Kampala, UGANDA.

WASLI (World Association of Sign Language Interpreters). 2011. WASLI Activities Report 2007-2011. Kampala, UGANDA.

DeafSA. 2009. Deaf Learners & Their Education Rights:Is South Africa Listening? International month of Deaf People September 2009 - Information Pack.

Storbeck, Claudine, Lucas Magongwa and Ingrid Parkin. 2009. Education of the Deaf in South Africa. In: Moores, Donald F. and Margery S. Miller eds. Deaf people around the world: Educational and social perspectives. Washington,DC: Gallaudet University Press. 133-144.

Lavanithum, Joseph. 2008. The impact of using graphic representations of signs in teaching signs to hearing mothers of deaf children PhD thesis Augmentative and Alternative Communication, University of Pretoria.

Timothy Reagan. 2008. South African Sign Language and language-in-education policy in South Africa. In : Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics. 38: 165-190.

World Federation of the Deaf and Swedish National Association of the Deaf. 2008. Global Survey Report. WFD Regional Secretariat for Southern and Eastern Africa (WFD RSESA). Global Education Pre-Planning Project on the Human Rights of Deaf People. World Federation of the Deaf. Finland.

Newhoudt-Druchen, Wilma. 2007. Are Deaf People in Developing Countries Advocating on a Political Level? A South African Perspective. In : Goodstein, Harvey ed. The Deaf Way II Reader : Perspectives from the Second International Conference on Deaf Culture. Washington,DC: Gallaudet University Press. 17-20.

Reagan, Timothy. 2007. Language-in-education policy in South Africa: The challenge of sign language. In : Africa Education Review. 4: 26-41.

Reagan, Timothy. 2007. Multilingualism and exclusion: American Sign Language and South African Sign Language. In : Cuvelier, P., T. du Plessis, M. Meeuwis and L. Teck eds. Multilingualism and exclusions: Policy, practice and prospects. Pretoria: Van Schaik. 162-173.

Heap, Marion and Helen Morgans. 2006. Language policy and SASL: interpreters in the public service In : Watermeyer, Brian, Leslie Swarts, Theresa Lorenzo, Marguerite Scheneiger and Mark Priestley eds. Disability and social change: a South African agenda. Human Science Research Council, Cape Town, South Africa. 134-148.

Reagan, Timothy, Claire Penn and Dale Ogilvy. 2006. From policy to practice: Sign language developments in post-apartheid South Africa. In : Language Policy. 5: 187-208.

Storbeck, Claudine and Lucas Magongwa. 2006. Teaching about Deaf culture. In: Donald F. Moores and David S. Martin eds. Deaf learners: New developments in curriculum and instruction. Washington,DC : Gallaudet University Press. 113-126.

Peel, Emma. 2005. Inclusive practice in South Africa: A Deaf education perspective. University of the Witwatersrand : South Africa. Unpublished master's dissertation.

Storbeck, Claudine. 2005. Educating the Deaf and hard-of-hearing learner. In: Landsberg, Emmerentia, D. Kruger and N. Nel eds. Addressing barriers to learning: A South African perspective. Johannesburg : Van Schaik. 348-362.

亀井伸孝. 2005.「アフリカのろう者(11)いくつものアパルトヘイト」『手話コミュニケーション研究』(日本手話研究所)58(2005.12): 46-53.

WASLI (World Association of Sign Language Interpreters). 2005. In: Country report 2005. 29. Kampala, Uganda.

Ross, Elenor, Claudine Storbech and K. Wemmer. 2004. Pre-lingual deafness. In: Ross, Elenor and Andee Deverell eds. Psychosocial approaches to health, illness and disability: A reader for health care professionals. Johannesburg : Van Schaik. 141-176.

Brookes, Heather. 2004. A repertoire of South African quotable gestures. In : Journal of Linguistic Anthropology. Volume: 14, Issue: 2. 186-224. Web-Enhanced Article: A Repertoire of South African Quotable Gestures.

Ross, Elenor. 2004 History of deaf schools in South Africa. Unpublished manuscript.

Aarons, Debra and Louise Reynolds, 2003. South African Sign Language: Changing policies and practice. In: Monaghan, Leila, Constanze Schmaling, Karen Nakamura and Graham H. Turner eds. Many ways to be Deaf: International variation in Deaf communities. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press. 194-210.

Aarons, Debra and Philemon Akach. 2002. South African Sign Language: One language or many? In: Mesthrie, Rajend ed. Language in South Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Aarons, Debra and Philemon Akach. 2002. South African sign Language: One language or many? In: Mesthrie, Rajend ed. Language and social history: Studies in South African sociolinguistics. 2nd ed.Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. 127-147.

Heap, Marion. 2001. An anthropological perspective of the Deaf people in Cape Town. University of Stellenbosch, South Africa: Department of Anthropology. Typescript.

Morgans, Helen G. 1999. Where did South African Sign Language Originate? In : Language Matters :Studies in the Languages of Africa. Volume 30. Issue 1 1999 , pages 53 - 58.

Penn, Claire and Timothy Reagan. 1999. Linguistic, social and cultural perspectives on Sign Language in South Africa. In : Indian J. Applied Linguistics. 25 (1/2) 49-69.

Aarons, Debra. 1998. Community Agency for Social Enquiry 'The linguistic structure of South African Sign Language after apartheid. Presentation at Sixth International Conference on Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research

Aarons, Debra and Ruth Morgan. 1998. The structure of South African Sign Language after apartheid. Paper presented at the sixth conference of Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research, November, Gallaudet University, Washington, D.C.

Aarons, Debra and Philemon Akach. 1998. South African Sign Language : One language or many? A sociolinguistic question. In: Stellenbosch papers in linguistics. Vol.31. Stellenbosch, South Africa : University of Stellenbosch. 1-28.

Aarons, Debra and Ruth Morgan . 1998. How many South African Sign Language are there? In: Proceedings of the 13th World Congress of the World Federation of the Deaf. Sydney, Australia : Australian Association of the Deaf.

Reagan, Timothy and Claire Penn. 1997. Language policy, South African Sign Language, and the deaf: Social and educational implications. In : Southern African Journal of Applied Language Studies. 5: 1-13.

Storbeck, Claudine. 1997. Deaf adults' emic views on deaf education in South Africa: looking back to improve the future. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (Chicago, IL, March 24-28, 1997). Eric, ED406808.

Penn, Claire and Timothy Reagan. 1996. Language policy, South African Sign Language, and the Deaf: Social and educational implications. Typescript.

Penn, Claire and Timothy Reagan. 1995. On the other hand: Implications of the study of South African Sign Language for the education of the deaf in South Africa. In : South African Journal of Education. 15: 92-96.

Reynolds, Louise. 1995. Philosophies and practices in Deaf education in the Western Cape, South Africa, Signpost 8(2): 66-71.

Jones, Alan. 1994. Deaf awareness programs in South Africa. In: Erting, Carol J., Robert C. Johnson, Dorothy L. Smith, and Bruce D. Snider eds. The Deaf Way: Perspectives from the international conference on Deaf culture. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press. 698-701.

Simmons, Robert M.T. 1994. The role of educational systems and Deaf culture in the development of sign languages in South Africa. In: Erting, Carol J., Robert C. Johnson, Dorothy L. Smith, and Bruce D. Snider eds. The Deaf Way: Perspectives from the international conference on Deaf culture. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press. 78-84.

Ogilvy-Foreman, Dale, Claire Penn, and Timothy Reagan. 1994. Selected syntactic features of South African Sign Language: A preliminary analysis. In: South African journal of linguistics 12(4): 118-123.

Penn, Claire and Timothy Reagan. 1994. The properties of South African Sign Language: Lexical diversity and syntactic unity. In: Sign language studies 85:317-326.

Penn, Claire and Timothy Reagan. 1994. The properties of South African Sign Language: Lexical diversity and syntactic unity. In: Sign language studies 84:319-327

Penn, Claire ed. 1992-1994. Dictionary of Southern African signs for communicating with the deaf. 1-5. Pretoria, South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council.

Penn, Claire. 1993. Signs of the times: deaf language and culture in South Africa, In : South African Journal of Communication Disorders. 40: 11-23.

Penn, Claire. 1992. The sociolinguistics of South African sign language. In: Herbert, Robert K. ed. Language and society in Africa . Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press. 277-284.

Penn, Claire and Timothy Reagan. 1991. Toward a national policy for deaf education in the 'new' South Africa. In : South African Journal of Communication Disorders. 38: 19-24.

Penn, Claire, Timothy Reagan and Dale Ogilvy. 1991. Deaf-hearing interchange in South Africa. In: Sign language studies 71:131-142.

Landman, K. 1990. Taalonderwys en die dowe kind (Language education and the deaf child). In : Journal for Language Teaching. 24: 42-53.

Penn, Claire and Timothy Reagan. 1990. How do you sign 'apartheid'? The politics of South African Sign Language. In : Language Problems and Language Planning. 14: 91-103.

Strong, Michael. 1988. A bilingual approach to the education of young deaf children: ASL and English. In: Strong, Michael ed. Language learning and deafness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 113-129.

Herbst, Johan. M. 1987. South Africa, Republic of. In : Van Cleve, John V. (editor in chief), Gallaudet College eds. Gallaudet encyclopedia of deaf people and deafness. New York : McGraw-Hill. vol.3. 184-187.

Herbst, Johan M. 1987. Sign languages : South African. In: Van Cleve, John V. (editor in chief), Gallaudet College eds. Gallaudet encyclopedia of deaf people and deafness. New York : McGraw-Hill. vol.3. 106-108.

Saleh, S. 1986. Signs used by pupils and teachers at the Lenasia School for the Deaf: a comparative study. Thesis. Johannesburg: Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, University of the Witwatersrand. [Incluing information of South African Indian Sign Language]

Nieder-Hartman. 1980. Talking to the Deaf: A visual manual of standardized signs for the Deaf. Pretoria :Government Printer.

Mocke, H. A. 1971. Die geskiedenis van die onderwys vir Bantoedowes in Suid-Afrika. [History of Education for deaf Black people in South Africa]. Unpublished Dphil thesis, University Pretoria.

Boyd, M. 1933. A mother and her deaf child in South Africa. In : Volta Review. 35: 64-69.

Engelbrecht, G. K. 1961. Die Dowe: die maatskaplike en ekonomiese posisie van die dowe in Sud-Afrika, met besondere verwysing na hulle rehabilitasie. [The Deaf: social and economic situation of the deaf in South Africa, with special reference to their rehabilitation.] Kaapstaad, Hollandsche Afrikaanse Uitgeweers Maatschappij. (Originally a thesis at the University of South Africa, 1956).

Dominican sisters. 1944. Schools for the deaf in South Africa. In : Volta Review. 46: 148-150.

1928. The Education of the Deaf in South Africa. In : The Teacher of the Deaf. 26: 175.





Deaf Community - South Africa

Deaf cultures and Sign Languages of the world: South Africa

Sign Genius.com : sign language software. "SASL Pro 3 DEMO" (South African Sign Language) Win 98/2000/XP 15.5 Mb.

Thibologa Sign Language Institute, South African Sign Language

The National Institute for the Deaf (NID)

DTV ! South africa's Deaf Channel

Integration of Signed and Verbal Communication: South African Sign Language Recognition, Animation and Translation.Department of Computer Science, University of the Western Cape

South African Sign Language Interpreting National Centre

Sign Language Education & Development

SASL-MT Video Word List

SASL-MT project

Sign Puddle Online 1.5 : Write Sign Language Dictionaries & Literature in Any Sign Language in the World...


アフリカ(全般) アフリカ(全般)
北アフリカ アルジェリア | エジプト | チュニジア | モロッコ | リビア
西アフリカ ガーナ | ガンビア | ギニア | ギニアビサウ | コートジボワール | シエラレオネ | セネガル | トーゴ | ナイジェリア | ニジェール | ブルキナファソ | ベナン | マリ | モーリタニア | リベリア
大西洋島嶼国 カーボヴェルデ | サントメ・プリンシペ
中部アフリカ ガボン | カメルーン | コンゴ共和国 | コンゴ民主共和国 | 赤道ギニア | チャド | 中央アフリカ | ブルンジ | ルワンダ
東アフリカ ウガンダ | エチオピア | エリトリア | ケニア | ジブチ | スーダン | ソマリア | タンザニア | 南スーダン
南部アフリカ アンゴラ | ザンビア | ジンバブエ | スワジランド | ナミビア | ボツワナ | マラウイ | 南アフリカ | モザンビーク | レソト
インド洋島嶼国 コモロ | セーシェル | マダガスカル | モーリシャス
地域・その他 西サハラ
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